Sunday, 30 June 2013

A new meaning

Wow, life just got really busy. I got a job and I moved,well my sister did all of the packing while I was at work, but now I have to unpack and get everything set up nicely in the new place. I am very excited for this though. Its like I am actually living now. Before I felt like I was just passing through my days but now I have a purpose, I have something to do. It's wonderful. I feel like I will be able to get myself out there now and actually do and accomplish things. I have a new meaning in life. I am loving it.  I'll have to put up some new pictures of my place once everything is set up and cute. Right now it is just a bunch of boxes. I have the day of though tomorrow for Canada Day and so I'll have some time to put everything in is place. I can't wait!!

Monday, 10 June 2013

happily ever after?

I love fairy tales. Happily ever afters. Romance. Like most girls. Today I have just been thinking a lot and does it really all exist? I think it does. I have recently started watching the tv series 'Once Upon a Time' (which is probably what has started all the thinking) and my brother thinks it is really corny. But I would like to believe that "true love" does exist... just not necessarily like it does in Hollywood. Love is something that you have to work on. I'm not a personal expert, I've never been in love, but I am surrounded by relationships. I've seen what works and what doesn't work.  I think in our society everyone is looking for a perfect relationship, the whole true love and marriage  and 'they all lived happily ever after' endings, and they get disappointed when it all comes crashing down. Divorce rates are so high and this world is getting so messed up because real love is being taken out of society.  Being replaced with a fanciful, puffed up version. Most of the time the only things that people really love is themselves. I'm not trying to be all negative, there is still some very amazing love out there, but it's getting harder and harder to hold on to and to find. Even in the storybooks, true love is when they love each other more than they love themselves. They always say "I will do anything for you" not " I will do anything for you that is convenient for me". The hero always has to battle for love. There are always obstacles and challenges and its only after they overcome all of it that they can live happily ever after. The struggles are what make the love so strong because they are fighting together for it. They aren't fighting each other or looking for what will make themselves most happy.  They are fighting for each other and looking for what will make each other most happy.  Love isn't just a feeling that once you have it it will last forever. It is a power that you have to continually fight for.
I will admit to wanting to find true love and a happily ever after for myself. Everyone does. But I want the real kind.  Sometimes, though, I do wonder if I will find it or if I too am caught up in the fairy tale of it all and somehow I will miss what's right in front of me for the want of something that doesn't exist.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

God's Love

I have been thinking a lot about where I want my life to go and what I want and should be doing. It has been very difficult for me to figure anything out. I have all these ideas and none of them feel right. I believe that I have a Father in Heaven and that he will help me to know what I need to do.  So I trust those feelings. I do know that whatever is going to happen is what is suppose to happen. I was at church today and we were having the discussion about living up to our full potential and becoming the people that Heavenly Father knows we can. Sometimes He has to cut us down so that we can grow better into what we need to be.
This is a video that I really like that talks about God helping us reach our potential.

 The Will of God

I can't wait to see what I become!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

A best friend

So I will admit that even though I have had my fair share of friends there are only a couple that I would consider a best friend (excluding family members) To me a best friend is someone that you can tell absolutely everything to and they will listen. They try to help you and always want you to be happy. I had the privilege of staying with one of my very best friends for the past week. I don't know that she will ever know how grateful I am for her.
This is my moch

I think that she knows absolutely everything about me and is always prying for more. And there are very few people that I would let pry.
Her house was the destination of my road trip and I had one of the best weeks ever.